Premier Powder Coating Services for Fabrication Shops in NJ
Powder coating is a high-quality finishing technique that can be used on metal and nonmetal components. Powder coating is a very common application for a wide range of products that we come into contact with every day. From the wheels of your automobile to railings, gates, and fences at your home - powder coating is preferred over liquid paint to protect metals and enhance their visual appeal.
Rusty Lions is the premier shop in NJ for powder coating services. We ensure that your items become durable and highly resistant to rust, chemicals, UB light, moisture, and wear and tear. Our trained and licensed applicators can execute powder coating projects flawlessly to protect your products against scratches, fading, abrasions, corrosion, and other forms of mechanical wear.
Benefits of Powder Coating
Powder coating has a wide range of applications. From industrial machinery to outdoor furniture, architectural elements, automotive parts, and metal substrates needing restoration- we can handle all your requirements with superior powder coating services. We'll ensure a smooth and uniform finish for your product with an aesthetic appeal and long-lasting durability.
We have an esteemed list of clientele including commercial businesses, retail enterprises, architectural firms, and automotive shops who trust our powder coating services because it is:
· Environment-friendly
No release of harmful toxins or volatile compounds like wet paint.
· Minimum Wastage
There's no wastage during the powder coating process.
· Versatile
Choose from a wide range of colors, textures, and finishes.
· Durable & Long-lasting
Add durability and an extended life of up to 15 years to your components with powder coating.
· Efficient Coating
Powder coating results in a thick and uniform coating that provides an even finish.
Request a Quote
Have a project in mind? Contact us at 347-613-8103 or mail us at to schedule any metal refinishing or resurfacing project in New Jersey or request a quote.