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Experienced Child Support Attorney Orange County

When it's a question of your child's future, you cannot leave anything to uncertainty. You must hire a child support attorney Orange County as soon as possible to obtain support from the other parent.

If you are not the primary breadwinner in your house, Jos Family Law can step in and win a child support order immediately. Our attorneys know the factors used by courts to determine child support. We will make arguments by factoring in your and the other parent's income and relationship shared with the child to demand appropriate support.

Our child support attorney in Orange County ensures all income declarations are properly filed by your spouse. We understand how complex child support issues are, and we use our experience and expertise to pave the way for a favorable future for your child.

How is Child Support Calculated in California?

California follows a statewide formula to calculate child support. But unlike other states, California considers the income of both parents. Factors influencing child support in the state are:

· The gross net disposable income of each parent

· Percentage of time each parent shares with the child

· Other necessary costs for child care and healthcare

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

Divorce is already tough without the added burden of finances. At Jos Family Law Firm, we're completely focused on achieving the best results for our clients and their families in all areas of family law.

If you have questions or want to discuss your case with our child support attorneys in Orange County, don't hesitate to give us a call at (714) 733-7066 or send an email to jos@josfamilylaw.com.


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